This raises questions about whether Satan was beginning to doubt his crusade on humans. In the manga Satan shows remorse over what happened to Miki, and fully understands why Akira is angry about her death. One big showcasing of Ryo's empathy between versions is how he reacts to Miki's death.Is Ryo himself a microcosm of Satan's struggle with the evil being he has become, and the good nature he used to have but has emotionally shut himself off to? What makes things even more complicated is the influences that Akira has on Ryo, and how much of the good seen in Ryo is a result of his friendship with him. Therefore, did the manga Ryo's relationship with his father allow for these warm emotions? Does Crybaby!Ryo's dark upbringing prevent him from being as warm to people as he might have otherwise been? Or does Satan's insane influences fester inside Ryo's soul and he's unable to counteract his true nature? Even more interesting to consider is this: insofar as Ryo has positive personality traits, are those a reflection of Lucifer's angel traits back when he was still a holy being? It's not like Satan started out as an evil being, and you could argue that eons of trauma have significantly shut him off to notions of empathy and love.note The iconic scene where the two of them agree to enter the Sabbath together had both Ryo and Akira crying about the consequences of what they were about to do. He was capable of having fun with Akira, and unlike in Crybaby, was capable of crying, often while sharing in Akira's personal distress. In the manga, it should be noted that Ryo was a kind person overall, even if he was capable of being cruel and pragmatic when the situation called for it.Given that Ryo is actually a reincarnated/amnesiac Satan, this raises questions about how much of his personality is a result of him being Ryo and him being Satan. While this can also apply to the franchise as a whole, it still has interesting implications if how said plot thread in Crybaby is compared to the manga's version.Was Ryo going through a full-blown Blood Knight daze and was unable to hold himself back against Akira in the moment? Furthermore, was Satan essentially punishing Akira for refusing to join him, basically amounting to a lover's squabble with Satan's actions stating "if I can't have you then perish for defying me" only for the consequences to hit him hard soon afterward? The fact that Ryo spends the aftermath of this scene musing about his life with Akira acting like the apocalypse didn't literally just happen, and laying down next to the dying/dead Akira like they just had a friendly brawl that they can now laugh off makes it all the more ambiguous. However, in Crybaby Satan fought Akira seriously, and the killing blow is struck with a very insane grin on his face.Even then other adaptations show that Satan killed Akira by accident, showcasing shock at that attack being enough to kill Akira.
Devilman manga ryo face full#

The nature of Satan's murder of Akira raises questions about Ryo's character in this adaptation.Maybe Akira was still alive enough for Ryo to justify his ranting, only to die midway through? Did Ryo really not notice something that glaring? Or was the trauma of realizing Akira was dead too overwhelming and Ryo was initially in denial? For what it's worth in the manga, Akira was conscious enough to admire the moon, and his eyes were open for most of Satan's speech, only closing them until near the end of Satan's musings. Ryo failing to notice that Akira has been blown in half, and only his body above the waist still remains is curious.